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Diplexer Isolation Oct 24th 2014, 22:01 4 11,410 on 29/10/14

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Diplexer Isolation wx1s on 28/10/14

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately my manual doesn't state what the maximum signal allowed at the radio input can be, so I asked the manufacturer. Tech support didn't give me a number, but assured me that customers have been using duplexers without a problem for years.

Thanks again,

fred WX1S
Diplexer Isolation wx1s on 24/10/14
When using a diplexer, is 60 dB enough port to port isolation to prevent front end damage of a multi-band satellite transceiver? I plan to run 100 Watts VHF and 50 Watts UHF. Modes will be CW and SSB. The diplexer will be installed at the radio, and there will be one feed line going out to the antenna.

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