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ARRL Sections - Iowa



Contact Information

Section Name:
Lee Garner WA0UIG, Section Manager
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

Basic Information


Welcome to the Iowa Section!

Visit us at the ARRL Iowa Section website


Get involved with your local county Amateur Radio Emergency Service® ARES®" group: contact the Iowa Section Manager or Iowa Section Emergency Coordinator. Or visit

When All Else Fails®
Amateur radio operators use their training, skills, and equipment to provide communications during emergencies When All Else Fails®.  Hams serve our communities when storms or other disasters damage critical communication infrastructure, including cell towers, and wired and wireless networks. Amateur radio can function completely independently of the internet and phone systems. An amateur radio station can be set up almost anywhere in minutes. Hams can quickly raise a wire antenna in a tree or on a mast, connect it to a radio and power source, and communicate effectively with others.

ARRL online training here.

Iowa Section ARES contacts and information


**You are Welcome to Join Us on the Iowa Nets**

IA Traffic and Emergency Net - 3970 kHz LSB SUN 5:00 PM CST (2300 UTC)

IA 75 Meter Net - 3970 kHz LSB MON-SAT 12:30 and 5:30 PM

IA Digital Net - 3588.5 USB TUE 7:00PM FLDigi Olivia 8-500 7:15PM Winlink Bulletin

IA DMR Net - IA TG 3119 TS2 SUN 7:30 PM

IA Tall Corn Net (cw) – 3560 kHz DAILY 6:30 and MWF 9:00 PM

IA 160 Meter Net - 1974.5 kHz LSB SUN 9:30PM

Iowa Section NETS contacts and information


ARRL Iowa Section
Section Manager: Lelia R Garner, WA0UIG    

Iowa Amateur Radio Events

Iowa Officials

  • Lelia Garner

    Section Manager,
    Section Emergency Coordinator

    Lelia R. Garner WA0UIG

  • Alan Erickson

    State Government Liaison

    Alan R. Erickson WB0OAV

  • Joseph Hoepfner

    Section Traffic Manager

    Joseph H. Hoepfner AE5EI

  • Mark Colby

    Section Youth Coordinator

    Mark E. Colby N8TWO

  • George Riedell

    Affiliated Club Coordinator

    George A. Riedell KE0RG


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