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Contest Soapbox

2013 ARRL 10 Meter Contest

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    01/26/2014 | LU/K3ZJ

    'Back in the day' I spent many lazy hot afternoons on 10 meter AM, using the 50-watt homebrew transmitter and arm-rotated 3-element 'plumbers' delight' beam at LU5DGQ's station.  The first ARRL 10-meter contest was still years in the future but through... Read More

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    01/20/2014 | XE2K

     I was expecting better propagation, also less noise in the station. Making some work days before the contest  repairing  and installing a fixed 4 elements yagi at 60ft  and checking all the possible problems  before the contest, all was showing  good ... Read More

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    12/30/2013 | K6EI

    When you have a modest station, listening to the big guns on 20 meters in any of the major DX contests can be frustrating.  In contrast, the ARRL 10 meter contest has several advantages for the smaller station.   A simple 28 MHz yagi up 35 feet is equa... Read More

  • 12/20/2013 | N1YWB

    My first 10m contest! My only regret is that I never before participated in this wonderful contest on my favorite band. QRP phone only is always a tough category, although I feel like my 5 watts goes farther on 10m than on other bands, when it's open, ... Read More

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    12/20/2013 | KA2FHN

    The last few years, this contest has been a bust for me. So this year I was not expecting any differant.Either I could only work a few hours and/or the propagation would not co-operate. Regardless my scores were depressing. Friday night started out as ... Read More

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    12/19/2013 | NP3A

    Unfortunatelly main antenna had 3:1 SWR. All runs were performed with the secondary antenna. Had a lot of fun and condx were very good.  73 Eric, NP3A Read More

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    12/18/2013 | W7RN

    This year's multiop at W7RN is called the Transportation Team. In the photo, left foreground is KU7Y, a retired truck driver. left background is KM9R, a 747 jet driver. The right photo is KH2TJ, a diesel locomotive driver. Read More

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    12/17/2013 | GW7X

      If you worked us in the contest audio from the contact can be heard here: and a write-up of our activity here: Logs have already been u... Read More


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