09/03/2023 | Kittitas County Rodeo 100th Anniversary Special Event
Sep 3, 1600Z-2200Z, K7R, Ellensburg, WA. Kittitas County Amateur Radio Communication Service. 14.050 MHz. Certificate. KCARCS, 110 West Sixth Avenue, PMB #345, Ellensburg, WA 98926. CW operation only. However, if we get more people to operate, phone might be available. Check the website for details. https://www.qsl.net/kcarcs/rodeo.html
09/08/2023 | Celebrating the Life and Music of the Late Patsy Cline
Sep 8-Sep 10, 1800Z-2359Z, W4V, Winchester, VA. Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club / W4RKC. 28.345 14.245 7.245 3.845. Certificate & QSL. SVARC, P.O. Box 2273, Winchester, VA 22604. w4rkcpatsycline.com
09/08/2023 | K4A 9-11 Still in Our Hearts and Mind
Sep 8-Sep 12, 0000Z-0323Z, K4A, Cordova, AL. Alabama Contest Group/WA1FCN. 7040 14040 21040 28040 21300 14300 28400 7190 3840. Certificate & QSL. Robert Beaudoin, 970 Mountainview Rd, Cordova, AL 35550. A full color glossy certificate to each station who contacts us on 3 bands any combination of modes. Postage paid by us sent in a full size manila envelope for a requested $2 donation. This will be our 3rd year of operation. wa1fcn@charter.net
09/08/2023 | Villa Rica Gold Rush Special Event
Sep 8-Sep 10, 1230Z-2359Z, W4G, Villa Rica, GA. West Georgia Amateur Radio Society. 80, 40, 20, 15 meters; CW, SSB, and digital. Certificate. West Georgia Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 1535, Carrollton, GA 30117. Special operation Sep 9 1230Z to 1930Z from the Pine Mountain Gold Mine Museum during the Gold Rush Festival. www.wgars.com
09/09/2023 | Celebrating Arthur Collins' Birthday
Sep 9-Sep 10, 1400Z-0200Z, W0CXX, Cedar Rapids, IA. Collins Amateur Radio Club. 7.180 MHz 14.263 MHz 21.380 MHz 28.380 MHz. QSL. Brice AntonJensen, 1110 Lyndhurst Dr, Hiawatha, IA 52233. https://www.w0cxx.us
09/09/2023 | Commemorating USS Midway commisioning 10 SEP 45
Sep 9, 1600Z-2300Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250 14.070 PSK31 DSTAR on Papa system repeaters. QSL. USS Midway Museum Ship COMEDTRA, 910 N Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101. www.qrz.com/db/ni6iw
09/09/2023 | National POW MIA Recognition Day
Sep 9-Sep 17, 0000Z-2359Z, K4MIA, Loxahatchee, FL. PBSEC. 7.195 14.265 18.150 28.400. QSL. Michael Bald, 6758 Hall Blvd, Loxahatchee, FL 33470. Observances of National POW MIA Recognition Day are held across this country on the third Friday in September each year. This year it will be on September 15. The day was established to honor our prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action. This will be the 15th year the special event station has been activated. On Sept 15, K4MIA will be transmitting from a Mark V 80 foot Navy Seal Special Ops Craft. Also, K4MIA/4 will be operating from USS Alabama and possibly other ships. There will be sister stations K4MIA/1 through K4MIA/8 in operation. Days listed above are primary operational days and modes used will be, SSB, CW, FT8 and Satellite operation. Throughout the month of Sept, K4MIA will be on less used digital modes, SSTV, and hopefully EME again. See QRZ (K4MIA) for a lot more information and a copy of this year’s QSL card. Because of the volume of requests, you MUST SEND SASE to get a returned QSL. Please take time to remember our POW's, MIA's, KIA’s as well as their families. www.qrz.com/db/k4mia
09/09/2023 | Nuclear Ship Savannah - Baltimore Defender's Day
Sep 9, 1300Z-2100Z, K3S, Baltimore, MD. Nuclear Ship Savannah ARC. 7 14 21 28. QSL. ULIS FLEMING, 980 PATUXENT ROAD, Odenton, MD 21113. Operating from the ship. Please check the spotting networks since we may be operating anywhere on 40, 20, 15, or 10m SSB or CW. qrz.com/db/k3s