09/09/2023 | RC Jamboree at Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
Sep 9-Sep 10, 1500Z-2000Z, K2A, Red Hook, NY. Overlook Mountain Amateur Radio Club. 7.250 14.275 21.360 DMR 31368. QSL. Overlook Mountain ARC, P.O. Box 180, West Hurley, NY 12491. www.omarcclub.org
09/09/2023 | Route 66 On the Air
Sep 9-Sep 17, 0000Z-2359Z, W6H, Rio Rancho, NM. Albuquerque DX Association. 3.866 7.266 14.266 14.033. QSL. Bill Mader, 4701 Sombrerete Rd SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. New Mexico team information at W6H on QRZ.com with links to the sponsor for the entire event. Certificates available at https://w6jbt.org/. K8TE@arrl.net
09/09/2023 | ROUTE 66 ON THE AIR
Sep 9-Sep 17, 0000Z-2359Z, W6JBT, San Bernardino, CA. Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club. 3.866 7.266 14.266 28.466. Certificate & QSL. Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 3788, San Bernardino, CA 92413. Come celebrate the history of this great highway that help build America and join the clubs across the nation participating in this event using their 1X1 W6- prefix call signs. See the host website of www.w6jbt.org for more on the rules, frequencies, certificate and QSL routes for each club participating. Hope to hear you on the air!! www.w6jbt.org www.w6jbt.org
09/10/2023 | Cherokee Strip Land Run and POTA
Sep 10-Sep 24, 1200Z-2300Z, W5R, Ponca City, OK. Kay County Amateur Radio Club. 14.275. QSL. John Summers, W0DY, 2516 Windsor Road, Ponca City, OK 74601. The Kay County Amateur Radio Club in Ponca City, OK, will activate special event call sign W5R on or around 14.275 from September 10 through September 24 in commemoration of the 1893 Cherokee Strip Land Run in Oklahoma. In addition we will activate the Pioneer Woman Museum, POTA park K-8646 on Saturday September 16 as part of the commemoration. http://kaycountyhams.com
09/10/2023 | Neat Fair 2023 24th Year
Sep 10-Sep 16, 1100Z-1700Z, N2F, Downsville, NY. Northeast Airplane Tech Fair. 7.190 SSB 14.265 SSB 24.950 28.420. Certificate & QSL. Ed Bassick, 380 Halley Ave, Fairfield, CT 06825. www.neatfair.org
09/11/2023 | Handiham Program 56th Anniversary
Sep 11, 1600Z-2100Z, W0ZSW/W0EQO, Minneapolis, MN. Handiham Radio Club. 28.350 21.350 14.250 7.200. QSL. Courage Kenny Handiham Program, 3915 Golden Valley Rd, MR 78446, Minneapolis, MN 55422. On Monday, September 11, as part of the 2023 Handiham Radio Camp, we will be conducting a “Day in the Park” special event QSO party to honor the 56th Anniversary of the Courage Kenny Handiham Program. Our goal is to work as many stations as possible throughout the United States and beyond. We will operate on both SSB and CW on 10, 15, 20, and 40 meters as conditions and our antennas allow from 11 AM – 4 PM Central daylight time (16:00 – 21:00 UTC). We will be using both W0ZSW and W0EQO, two call signs with a rich history in the Handiham Program. On CW, look for us on or near 28.050, 21.050, 14.050, and 7.050. The exchange for this special event will simply be name and state, province, or country. We also will use this opportunity to promote and give more details about the Handiham Program for those who are interested. Contacts will be confirmed via a commemorative Handiham special event QSL card if requested. Please listen out for CQ Handiham 56, and give us a call. We’d love to hear from you! handiham.net
09/15/2023 | Kentucky Bourbon Festival
Sep 15-Sep 17, 0000Z-2359Z, K4B, Bardstown, KY. American Legion Nelson Co Post 42 ARC. 3.573 7.074 14.074 21.074. QSL. George Kaneff, 2146 Plum Run Road, Bardstown, KY 40004. Operating Phone, CW and Digital Modes on 80m, 40m, 20m, and 15m and 10m. YOU MAY ALSO SEND A WINLINK CHECK-IN MESSAGE TO TACTICAL CALL 'KBFESTIVAL'. SEND YOUR QSL CARD AND S.A.S.E. TO: GEORGE KANEFF, N2GWK 2146 PLUM RUN ROAD BARDSTOWN, KY 40004 YOU WILL RECEIVE A K4B SPECIAL EVENT QSL CARD IN RETURN BY SNAIL MAIL. https://www.qrz.com/db/K4B
09/15/2023 | National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Sep 15, 1800Z-2100Z, N3TAL, Lanham, MD. American Legion Post 275 Radio team. 7.275Mhz +/- LSB. QSL. American Legion Post 275 ART Team, 8201 Martin Luther King Jr Hwy, Lanham, MD 20706. n3tal275@gmail.com or www.qrz.com/db/n3tal