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Find an Amateur Radio License Class

Long Beach CA 90814



Start/End Dates: 05/25/2019 - 05/26/2019
Times: 8AM to 4PM
# of Sessions: 2
Class level: General
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: Yes
Fee: $65 with $15 FCC Test fee
Pre Study required: Yes
Class Type: Traditional
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: Red Cross Long Beach Chapter
Instructor: KK6SMD
Contact: Mark Chung MD KK6SMD
Phone: (562) 708-3893
Location: Red Cross Long Beach Chapter
3150 East 29th Street
Long Beach, CA 90814
Additional Information: This is the second level FCC License class for those with an active Technician License. The question pool will change July 1st, 2019, so it would be advantageous to attend this class before the exam requirements change. The test is offered Sunday at 2pm on May 26th. You must attend both the May 25th and 26th classes. The use of either the Gordon West General Study Guide or the Fast Track to General book, both available from Amazon, should be studied one month before the class. The Gordon West book can be obtained from Ham Radio Outlet. To register, send a check for $65 with name and phone number, payable to Mark Chung, to: 13337 South Street, Box 575, Cerritos, CA 90703. For further information email: or call (562)-708-3893. The class will enable better understanding of the HF radio propagation and operation principles. This will facilitate passing the FCC License exam.



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