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Radio Waves

Green and yellow RadioWaves newletter banner.

To receive Radio Waves, register as an ARRL Instructor or Teacher, or simply edit your personal profile to select Radio Waves as one of your email subscriptions.

Radio Waves aims to showcase how educators and license class instructors are getting their students and local communities involved in ham radio. These efforts deserve to be documented and shared. The contributors are teachers and instructors who are currently bringing amateur radio into the classrooms and beyond, just like you!

Have a story to share?

Write a short narrative about a specific teaching struggle, success, or learning breakthrough. We are seeking submissions of 300 – 500 words, and you are highly encouraged to send any pictures of yourself, your students, and the activities you introduced.

By submitting writing or photographs with completed model release forms, you grant permission for ARRL to edit and use these materials for any publication purpose.

Please attach a completed Model Release Form for any individual in photographs submitted with your piece to our email:

Inside Recent Issues

  • Summer 2024

    As seen in this issue...

    • How Third Graders Tracked NOAA Satellites in Virginia by Kathy Lamont, KM4TAY
    • “Boot Camp” Gets Results: Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) Shares Their Radio Class Format by Robert Neben, K9BL
    • “After The Exam” Class at W8FT Helps New Hams Do More by Bill Kelsey, N8ET
    • Ham Radio Takes Off at ASCTE by Chris Brown, W9SBS
    • Documenting the Ups and Downs of a High School Radio Club by Ronald Call, KE7CR
    • Launching an Amateur Radio Club With Assistance After Teacher’s Institute by Kay Orr, K5ORR, and Leslie Reese, KI5ISS
    • A Note from ARRL National Instructor Gordon West, WB6NOA

     RadioWaves, Issue 1


  • Winter 2017

    In this issue

    Feature Stories

    • Local Connections Spark High School Club….  Page 1
    • Outreach: How to Start a High School Amateur Radio Club in Six Easy Steps …. Page 2
    • Rhode Island School ARISS Contact Takes Off with the Public…. Page 3  

    ARISS News

    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities…. Page 4  

    In the Classroom

    • Citizen Scientist Opportunities for Radio Amateurs….  Page 5
    • Science Lessons for Solar Week…. Page 5  

    Instructor Corner — News, Ideas, Support

    • Update on Instructor Reporting and Recognition Program …. Page 6
    • NCVEC Invites Comments for Tech Question Pool Update…. Page 6  

    Licensing Updates

    • Recent Licensing Statistics….  page 6  

    Education & Technology Program News

    • Summer 2017 Teachers Institute Schedule Announced…. Page 7
    • ETP Grants for 2016 – 2017…. Page 7  

    Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines….  page 8
    Learn More

  • Fall 2016

    In this issue Feature Stories:

    • Building Blocks Illustrate Basic Electronics….Page 1
    • The Easton Amateur Radio Society Technical Institute…. Page 2
    • Ham Radio Flies High at Summer Camp at Kopernik Observatory.... Page 3

    ARISS News:

    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities….. Page 4


    • Alumnus a Golden Resource.... Page 5
    • Get on the Air Event Gets Busy ..... Page 5
    • Boy Scouts Man Up ..... Page 5

    Instructor Corner-- News, Ideas, Support:

    • ARRL Launches Instructor Recognition Program .... Page 6
    • Resources for  Instruction…. Page 6

    Licensing Updates:

    • Recent Licensing Statistics…. Page 7

    Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines….Page 8


    Read now

  • Spring 2016

    In this issue Feature Stories:

    • Amateur Radio as a Tool for Home Schooling….Page 1
    • Fox Hunting for Hands-on Fun while Learning…. Page 2

    ARISS News:

    • A Milestone: 1,000 Successful Contacts..... Page 3
    • University Club Makes Magic for Middle Schoolers…. Page 3
    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities….. Page 4


    • Girl Scouts Think Out Loud on Amateur Radio for Thinking Day on the Air…. Page 5

    Instructor Corner-- News, Ideas, Support:

    • Resources for Classroom Instruction…. Page 6
    • Teaching Electronics to Middle Schoolers (and Beyond)…. Page 6

    Licensing Updates:

    • New ARRL Amateur Extra Study Manual…. Page 7
    • Recent Licensing Statistics…. Page 7

    Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines….Page 8  


    Read now

  • Winter 2016

    In this issue Feature Stories:

    • In-Depth Licensing Class Probes Electronics….Page 1
    • Exploring Complex Concepts through Electronic Kit Building… Page 2
    • Two Schools Experience ARISS Impact…. Page 3


    • West Chester Amateur Radio Association on Hand for Pi Day…. Page 4
    • Youth Nets…. Page 4

    Instructor Corner: News, Ideas, Support:

    • Resources for Classroom Instruction…. Page 5
    • Resources for Licensing Instruction…. Page 6

    Education & Technology Program News:

    • Summer 2016 Teachers Institute Schedule Announced…. Page 7

    Licensing Updates:

    • 2015 Licensing Statistics…. Page 8
    •  Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines…. Page 8

    Read now

  • Spring 2017

    In this issue

    Feature Stories

    • KID Museum Station Powers Up at Maker Faire... 1
    • Amateur Radio Sparks Interest at Elementary School...2
    • Making a Good Hobby Better Through Post-Licensing Enrichment... 3

    ARISS News

    • Charter School’s Young Scholars Reach Great Heights via ARISS... 4

    In the Classroom

    • Teaching with the Solar Eclipse 5
    • Resources for Instruction 5

    Instructor Corner — News, Ideas, Support

    • Instructor Reporting and Recognition Program Gains Momentum...6
    • A Passive Method to Learning Morse?... 6
    • Brush Up on Boy Scouts Merit Badge Requirements... 6

    Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines7


    Read now

2015 and Earlier

  • Fall 2015

    In this issue:

    Feature Stories:

    Using Sensors to Explore Terraforming......1

    • STEM School and Academy ARC Builds Repeater..... 2
    • Community College’s DIY Spirit Shines for ARISS Contact...... 3  


    • Amateur Radio Club Helps Boy Scouts Earn Radio Merit Badge….. 4
    • Education & Technology Program News....... 5  

    Instructor Corner — News, Ideas, Support:

    • Getting New Hams on the Air: The Evolution of a Licensing Class…..5 
    • Ham Radio Instruction for People with Disabilities....... 6  

    Licensing Updates:

    • Amateur Extra Question Pool Being Revised for 2016….. 7
    • Licensing Statistics….. 7  

    Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines ….. 8
    Read More

  • Spring 2015

    In this issue:

    • Scaling Heights to Teach Remote Sensing….page 1
    • Club’s Instruction Initiative Leads to Growth …. page 2
    • A Dream Becomes Reality with ARISS …. page 3
    • Licensing Approach for Would-be Hams with Dyslexia/ADHD …. page 4
    • Girls Scouts Get Food for Thought During Thinking Day on the Air …. page 5
    • LASA High School Club Builds Satellite Station …. page 6
    • New Edition of ARRL General Class License Manual, Instructor Manual …. page 7
    • 2015 Licensing Statistics …. page 7
    • Boy Scouts Recognize ARRL Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award …. page 8
    • Goldfarb Scholarship Recipient …. page 8
    • Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines …. page 8

    Read this issue

  • Winter 2015

    In this issue:

    • High School Club Radio Active in Fargo.... page 1
    • Enrichment in Richmond — Club Takes a Faculty Approach 2
    • Recent ARISS Contact Has Far Reach 3
    • Fifteen US Schools Move Forward into Next Stage of ARISS Selection .page 3
    • What’s Worthy on the Web .... page 4
    • Science Buddies for the Classroom  .... page 4
    • Announcing 2015 Teachers Institute Seminars .... page 5
    • Teachers Institute Feedback 5
    • 2014 ETP Grants .6
    • Revisions to General Question Pool .... page 7
    • New ARRL Student Study and Instructor Materials .... page 7
    • 2014 Licensing Statistics .... page 7
    • 2015 Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines .... page 8

    Read this issue

  • Fall 2014

    In this issue:

    • Ham Radio and Integrated Learning in Albuquerque Public Schools....p. 1
    • The CARE Academy--Licensing and Beyond....p. 2
    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities....p. 3
    • List a Class, Find a Class with New ARRL Web Page Feature.... p. 4
    • More Free Content on Instructor Resource Page....p. 4
    • Instruction Junction: Foolproof Dimensional Analysis....p. 5
    • 2014 Licensing Statistics....p. 5
    • Maximizing the ARISS Learning Experience....p. 6
    • The STEM Two-Step.... p. 7
    • A Club Leads in Chesapeake....p. 7
    • Education & Technology Program News: 2014 Teachers Institute....p. 8
    • 2014 Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Deadlines....p. 9

    Read More

  • Spring 2014

    In this issue:

    Licensing Classes and Learning Activities


    • “Hands-On” Class is Hands-Down Hit for Juneau Amateur Radio Club…Page 1
    • Webinars Bring It Home ...Page 2
    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities ...Page 3
    • New ARRL Technician Study and Instruction Materials  ....Page 4
    • Improved ARRL Instructor Resource Page ...Page 4,5
    • Instruction Junction: Resistance Made Easy ... Page 5


    In The Classroom

    • Amateur Radio Ballooning Adventures ... Page 6
    • Outreach: Beyond Hamfests and Outside the Classroom ....Page 7
    • CubeSat Investigators ... Page 8
    • Education & Technology Program News .... P.age 8


    • 2014 License Statistics .... Page 9
    • 2014 Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Deadlines .... P.age 9

    Read More

  • Winter 2014

    • High School Students Put Packet Radio to Work for Local Environmental Study......Page 1
    • Club Boasts Fourfold Increase in New Licensees/Upgrades........Page 2
    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities……Page 3
    • Instructor Corner — News, Ideas, Support…….Page 4
    • In The Classroom: Teaching Ohm’s Law.......Page 5
    • School Club Roundup…….Page 6
    • Education & Technology News…….Page 6
    • FUNcube Guide for Educators…  .Page 7
    • Input for General Class License Exam Invited……Page 8
    • 2013 License Statistics…….Page 8  
    • Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Deadlines………Page 9

    Read More

  • Fall 2013

    In this issue:



    • Ham Radio: From Generation to Generation…..Page 1
    • Radio Clubs, Licensing Classes and Learning Activities, Oh My! .....Page 2
    • Update on Recent ARISS Activities….Page 3
    • 2013 Teachers Institutes Deliver Immediate Impact…….Page 4
    • A Meeting Place for Classroom Teachers……Page 5
    • A Marriage of Robots and Ham Radio……Page 6
    • Exam Prep Jepperdee is Born.....Page 6
    • 2014 Tech Question Pool…….Page 7
    • 2013 License Statistics…..Page 7
    • Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Deadlines……Page 8

    Read More


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