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2020 ARRL September VHF Contest

10/01/2020 | N0LD/R contains our OKRover pictures and latest efforts.

The September 2020 VHF Contest started out to be an attempt to take our unlimited rover success and start applying it to the Classic Rover category.  This means limiting our inter-rover communication to 100 qsos apiece.  We had intended to rove as a "team" between N0LD/R and KB0YHT/R - since this was Nick Farlow's (KB0YHT) first rover trip.  Instead of doing grid circling, we had planned out a classic rover like trip with grid-line dancing instead of grid-circling.  At the last minute, Nick had a difficult choice, to give plasma to COVID patients (he had COVID in late June) or to rove on Saturday AND Sunday.  He chose to just rove one day - so we changed plans and circled with him in Tulsa.  We continued on on Sunday however!

Saturday highlights include:

1) (350 mile+ 6m, 2m, 70cm qsos (mixed mode)

2) First long distance 70cm digital (FT8) QSO

3) Pionered two rorvers logging with custom logging software

4) WD5AGO QSOs (1st 5.7G QSO)!

Sunday highlights include:

1) Overpass on the west side of El Reno resulted in some stunning tropo

2) Mt Scott (NW of Lawton 15 miles) is 1200 ft above the local terrain

     a - Making contact with Steve, K5MNZ - my original Elmer from Mt. Scott

     b - Making QSOs with NE, KS; NE ARK, and S TX!

3) Some wonderful hams in Marlow, OK who went rovering just for us!

As always we learned a lot!  Our team included:

Randy Wing, N0LD

Alex Naas, KG9DUK

Harvey Jones, W0HGJ

-- N0LD





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