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2013 ARRL Field Day

08/16/2013 | NQ2W

This was my first time attempting a Field Day operation as 1B battery. The plan was to launch a line up into a tall pine tree at a campground in Warrensburg, Warren County, NY to haul up a 40m EFHW and a 20m EFHW. Launching the line was a piece of cake. Hauling the 40m EFHW was easy. Getting it tuned took way too long. So long that I didn't have time to work on the 20m EFHW. I settled in to working FD as 1B ENY on 40m, only. Lesson learned...tune those antennas in advance of the set-up period.

Conditions seemed okay on 40m and activity was as expected. I was operating QRP, CW only so it was primarily S&P. My logging program indicates that I operated for slightly longer than 15 hours and I would say the first 12 were pretty productive. The last three were the reason for wanting that second EFHW tuned and hanging in that pine tree. No complaints as I netted 221 Q's in 43 sections but a second band would have been a blast! 

I'll try 1B battery again next year. The 20m EFHW is tuned and ready to go. I have an 80m and 15m filter board for my K1 so EFHWs for those two bands will be built in the coming months...4 bands next year. I'll be sure to tune all antennas prior to the set up period to ease the final installation process. 

Thanks to everyone that made it into my log and thanks to the ARRL for organizing a rewarding, yet challenging, emergency preparedness event. It is a great experience. 73, Will, NQ2W

-- NQ2W





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