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2013 ARRL August UHF Contest

09/06/2013 | KC0P/R

Saturday afternoon KC0P/R Mel & N0HZO/R Carol worked EN33, EN43 and EN44 from near the St. Charles Grid Square corner of 44N & 92W. Multiple contacts & bands with W0ZQ/R, KC0IYT/R and fixed stations W0UC, W0GHZ, N0AKC & W0NE. Our best DX was from EN44aa to K2DRH in EN41vr, 292 km or 181 mi on 222, 432, 902, 1296 & 2304 MHz. A fun way to end the day.

Sunday forenoon we drove to Minneapolis for EN35 & EN34. Right into a hornets nest at Ridgeway Overlook EN35ja and shared the spot with WB0LJC/R & WB0EBG//R. After many contacts in all directions and bands, including W0ZQ/R in EN24 on 4 bands for 4 new multipliers we headed south to Lakeville to meet up with the rest of the Larson operators after church. KA0CRO Nate, KB0MRK Denise and KD0VWT Liesel added to make 5 Larsons and 3 generations. We made 35 contacts in 16 minutes. W0GHZ, W0JT,WB0LJC/R and WB0EBG/R earned the Worked All Larsons award and W0GHZ has 3 band endorsement and W0JT 2 band endorsement. Equipment & operators were capable of more but we ran out of time. Then down the road to KFC for a Sunday noon family meal. Lots of fun.

-- KC0P





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