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2018 ARRL September VHF Contest

09/10/2018 | N2YTF/P

With the latest harmonics being only a few months old, I wasn't sure if I could make it out, but I did make it out about 1pm to W2/NJ-009, State Line Lookout as a qrp portable station/SOTA activation, the same location as the August UHF contest.  

I can't say my score was very high, and between the rain and the late start I was unable to setup all of my gear, but boy did I have a good time.  I had unexpected eyeball QSOs with KA2YRA/R (who helped with take down) and KD2BKD/R.  Most notably perhaps, I made  FM 1.2ghz contacts with AA2TT (HE RAN A DISCONE AND A LOT OF COAX!) and WB2JAY.  I had to use the yagi on AA2TT but worked WB2JAY with the dj-g7s STOCK antenna.  KA2YRA shot video of the WB2JAY contact, see 

Thanks to KA2YRA for his help and company and to all who stuck it out to work me.

I did get time to hook up the SG-labs 902 transverter and as always it worked like a charm.  The SG-labs transverters are much smaller than an 817, which is amazing to me. I also ran the DJ-G29t full time on 902FM and 222FM and netted a bunch of 222 FM contacts.  The 1.2ghz transverter never made it out of the bag (not enough time), nor did the 70cm preamp (forgot jumpers in my rush).  Definately gained some valuable antenna mounting experience for the January contest.  

-- N2YTF





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