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2018 ARRL September VHF Contest

10/16/2018 | KG6IYN

Like many others this year in this event, plans changed or were severely modified for the contest weekend. I was limited by available time to get a plan together, and that made this one of lthe ess than a handful of VHF and up contests where i operated from the home QTH (DM12jt) instead of the hilltop (DM12rr).

With no notable propagation enhancements other than a tiny bit of tropo to the north Sunday mid morning, being 4500' lower in elevation and in contention with all forms of urban EMI, this was a rough event. Almost all day Saturday was spent trying to get set up, with almost all of the event operation occuring on Sunday. I was happy to work almost all reasonable grid squares in and around the region, everything was in play with airplane reflections, building reflections, turning yagis in a different direction to null plasma tv interferrence and still make a contact, and all analog, no digital this time at all. 


Thanks to the handful of rovers that were on the air by plan, or even by accident that provided some additional contacts and points, and thanks especially to the folks a couple (or more) grid squares away for thier patience in making contacts that somethimes took more than just  few minutes and many retries.









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