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Topic Forum Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Copperweld antenna wire General Technical Q & A tallroger Sep 22nd 2017, 14:27 5 7,203 on 19/11/18
by W1VT
Open 500 miles on 15-meters Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners tarny Dec 2nd 2021, 19:10 2 3,724 on 2/12/21
by W1VT
Open Does Paint Affect Braided Ground Line Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners tas99 Apr 25th 2012, 22:52 11 9,024 on 20/6/12
by chanlesa
Open Unleashing the Power of GPS Technology Can't Find an Emergency Communications Class? tayoso7456 Jun 19th, 20:51 1 636 on 19/6/24
by tayoso7456
Open Benefits of Taking Free IQ Tests Can't Find an Emergency Communications Class? tayoso7456 Sep 16th, 23:01 1 120 6 days, 10 hours ago
by tayoso7456
Open Ft-897 Battery Cable General Technical Q & A TechJuan Jan 6th 2013, 18:06 6 11,852 on 26/10/18
by kc2vfu
Open Almost embarrass about today HAM radio General discussion about technology and policy Tedlyon Sep 12th 2017, 12:07 2 7,835 on 25/9/17
Open Artificial Grounding General Technical Q & A tedsiok Mar 20th 2014, 23:45 2 6,201 on 21/3/14
by W1VT
Open vanity call, from SK to active ham Welcome to the ARRL Forums tennesseestargazer May 4th 2021, 18:28 2 5,237 on 5/5/21
by W1VT
Open Exra Exam E3C09 anwer error? Propagation tenthwave Jan 23rd 2020, 13:46 6 10,398 on 2/8/21
by AE8W
Open FT 101ZD troubleshooting, repair & maintenance Vintage Gear - Restoring and Operating Aug 16th 2013, 12:22 2 8,637 on 16/8/13
Open How do I ground my station in a rental home? General Technical Q & A Terrykq7k Jul 14th 2011, 17:53 7 9,461 on 30/7/11
by KE8DO
Open Contact ISS Satellites and Space Terrykq7k Aug 30th 2020, 14:12 2 8,211 on 30/8/20
by W1VT
Open s-meter useless? Welcome to the ARRL Forums texsalerno Jan 31st 2022, 08:02 2 4,437 on 31/1/22
by W1VT
Open best solar panel vs RFI Emergency power (solar, batteries, generators) Sep 20th 2014, 23:13 5 13,468 on 30/5/15
Open What's wrong? From newbie General Technical Q & A tkeithlu Oct 31st 2015, 13:19 5 5,243 on 1/11/15
by W1VT
Open advice on tuner, please Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners tkeithlu Dec 5th 2015, 22:04 1 4,908 on 5/12/15
by tkeithlu
Open advice on tuner, please Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners tkeithlu Dec 5th 2015, 22:44 2 5,105 on 5/12/15
by W1VT
Open Tledoux Can't Find a Licensing Class? Tledoux Mar 1st 2014, 01:04 3 11,378 on 1/3/14
by Tledoux
Open Garbled Audio, SSB General Technical Q & A tmosca Jan 19th 2019, 08:42 3 6,739 on 26/5/19

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