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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open 4NEC Model of droopy 1/4 problems KK6QHZ Jun 16th 2015, 23:18 5 5,449 on 17/6/15
Open Building A Loading Coil for Vertical Antenna KL7YB Jun 16th 2021, 17:25 2 5,449 on 17/6/21
by W1VT
Open VHF folded dipole array freq. adjust KJ5GY May 28th 2015, 02:28 2 5,443 on 28/5/15
by W1VT
Open Portable antenna for travels KG5RVR Apr 4th 2018, 11:42 1 5,438 on 4/4/18
Open ft-991 VHF antenna SWR ke8byu Aug 24th 2016, 03:38 1 5,437 on 24/8/16
by ke8byu
Open Short vertical built for one frequency K1BBB Jan 16th 2017, 15:29 1 5,434 on 16/1/17
by K1BBB
Open End-Fed Antenna WB5YBZ Mar 14th 2016, 01:45 2 5,432 on 14/3/16
by W1VT
Open Feeding a 3 element vetical array W3RMO Oct 27th 2015, 21:49 2 5,431 on 28/10/15
by W1VT
Open SO-239 Right angle feed through KM4ORN Oct 17th 2016, 01:40 2 5,426 on 17/10/16
by aa6e
Open coax SIZE358 Oct 2nd 2015, 20:47 2 5,415 on 3/10/15
by W1VT
Open marine antenna fucifino Mar 27th 2017, 15:57 2 5,409 on 28/3/17
by W1VT
Open MFJ-347 dipole mount: how to model on EZNEC? KE7RXD Feb 18th 2016, 05:00 1 5,402 on 18/2/16
Open Is it true that high SWR reflections don't fry finals? N1AUP Feb 22nd 2021, 06:59 5 5,398 on 22/2/21
by W1VT
Open Inside Antenna KA2HZJ Aug 16th 2015, 04:21 3 5,389 on 16/8/15
by W1VT
Open "thickness" of antennas, and length WILS760 Jul 27th 2021, 14:09 4 5,385 on 22/9/21
by W1VT
Open db 224 x 2 WB0EMJ Sep 12th 2015, 16:21 1 5,385 on 12/9/15
Open J-Pole Ladder Line Questions KK4ZLT Mar 2nd 2015, 17:25 4 5,384 on 2/3/15
by W1VT
Open New Ham Feed Line Question KC3QBJ Mar 12th 2021, 10:14 3 5,382 on 13/3/21
by W1VT
Open Motorcycle antenna KF4LQT May 16th 2016, 01:01 2 5,376 on 31/10/16
by donmoe
Open best choice for 2 meter Base antenna in wwoded area N4ROE Oct 28th 2014, 22:06 3 5,370 on 23/12/14
by GABuz
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