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Topic Forum Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Yaesu FTM 6000R General Technical Q & A KD9BKU Jul 2nd 2022, 07:03 2 3,953 on 6/7/22
by W1VT
Open Jan VHF Results? VHF Contesting W1DYJ Jun 29th 2022, 16:49 1 5,073 on 29/6/22
by W1DYJ
Open "bandplan" in July QST issue Welcome to the ARRL Forums PE1HZG Jun 25th 2022, 12:17 2 3,999 on 27/6/22
by AI4BJ
Open Connecting the IC7300 to a PC Question General Technical Q & A Jun 24th 2022, 08:56 1 3,563 on 24/6/22
Open Antenna to Tower separation distance Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners Jun 19th 2022, 13:15 2 3,943 on 16/4/23
Open SWR BRIDGE Construction and homebrewing W7TYN Jun 14th 2022, 14:58 1 4,248 on 14/6/22
by W7TYN
Open ARRL EFHW Kit build issues Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners MMcFarlen Jun 14th 2022, 14:12 2 3,792 on 15/6/22
by AI4BJ
Open 'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" General Technical Q & A xof7fox Jun 7th 2022, 02:30 6 4,045 on 14/7/22
by xof7fox
Open Vanity Callsign Approval/Change Callsign here... Welcome to the ARRL Forums AI5RR Jun 6th 2022, 18:23 1 3,838 on 6/6/22
by AI5RR
Open Question about log file format details... HF Contesting AI5RR Jun 3rd 2022, 15:58 2 4,299 on 7/6/22
by W1VT
Open Question about participating in contests... HF Contesting AI5RR Jun 3rd 2022, 15:43 2 5,169 on 15/6/22
by AI4BJ
Open IC-7000 frequency limits General Technical Q & A wwsisson Jun 1st 2022, 17:13 2 3,675 on 2/6/22
by W1VT
Open Pi Network Xfrmer Calculation solving for Unknown Z-Load? Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners Aplonis May 22nd 2022, 10:19 1 3,698 on 22/5/22
by Aplonis
Open DXCC Zone, Credit Not Showing DXCC K3SV May 20th 2022, 11:19 2 4,364 on 20/5/22
by W1VT
Open Satellite using an HT Satellites and Space KB8VHI May 15th 2022, 12:36 2 4,398 on 16/5/22
by W1VT
Open Sears Antenna Matcher Vintage Gear - Restoring and Operating KawBob May 11th 2022, 20:17 2 4,573 on 17/5/22
Open Questions About Promoting NTS Welcome to the ARRL Forums kc1pyt May 9th 2022, 18:17 1 3,915 on 9/5/22
by kc1pyt
Open What Determines How Many Watts an Antenna Can Take? Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners kc1pyt May 9th 2022, 18:07 2 3,672 on 11/5/22
by W1VT
Open Yaesu 897D display isdues General Technical Q & A NO8RF May 4th 2022, 10:26 2 3,285 on 5/5/22
by W1VT
Open ARRL EFHW KIT Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners dkoczur May 2nd 2022, 12:08 4 5,606 on 5/5/22
by W1VT

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