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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Balun: top or bottom of ladder line? K7RMA Mar 4th 2014, 01:00 3 7,713 on 4/3/14
by K7RMA
Open Sky-Loop Antenna VU2PPP Mar 25th 2014, 09:51 3 9,006 on 10/8/19
by N8PEP
Open Antenna Tuners K1BBB Apr 1st 2014, 16:02 3 7,460 on 24/7/14
by K1BBB
Open Distance two antennas should be apart WV0l Apr 12th 2014, 18:32 3 6,392 on 13/5/14
by N4ZAW
Open E-Field AC Induction into Hustler 4-BTV? w9cw Nov 30th 2012, 14:55 3 6,113 on 3/12/12
by w9cw
Open Relay switching twin lead W7LBV Oct 5th 2013, 23:58 3 5,579 on 7/10/13
by W7LBV
Open HF VERTICAL ANTENNA COMET CHA-250B HK5FCI Apr 28th 2013, 14:59 3 7,925 on 13/11/13
by KT8DX
Open Need a Plan B for a G5RV 2000370616H80 Mar 5th 2013, 16:14 3 6,917 on 7/3/13
by 2000370616H80
Open Cobra Senior RF Ground? kb1yvr Feb 23rd 2013, 22:15 3 7,284 on 24/3/13
by kb1yvr
Open balum needed on EFHW? KK4LYQ Nov 4th 2021, 12:29 3 4,724 on 21/1/22
by AI4BJ
Open Antenna Modeling for Beginners WA0CBW Feb 8th 2013, 18:19 3 9,123 on 14/2/13
Open Antanna Tuners Marksail2 Jun 24th 2013, 20:55 3 7,336 on 25/6/13
by W1VT
Open 2 meter antenna Barre1951 Jul 2nd 2013, 16:07 3 6,985 on 28/7/13
by Hamradio1
Open Most effective tuner location k4lxx Feb 1st 2013, 20:31 3 5,861 on 2/2/13
by k4lxx
Open Dipole Construction K0SCO Jan 9th 2013, 16:36 3 5,450 on 10/1/13
by K0SCO
Open Good vertical antenna gmfoley Sep 19th 2021, 18:39 3 5,191 on 22/10/21
by W1VT
Open use of long lead coax to 6BTV antenna AK1T Jan 2nd 2013, 02:48 3 6,038 on 2/1/13
by aa6e
Open Folded Dipole 40M xof7fox Aug 1st 2013, 22:04 3 6,291 on 17/9/13
by xof7fox
Open Impedance Matching HF xof7fox Aug 1st 2013, 22:18 3 7,892 on 3/8/13
by W1VT
Open Two inverted Vs vs. fan inverted V WA9FBO Jul 19th 2021, 10:38 3 4,659 on 19/7/21
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