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Topic Forum Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Programming Yaesu radios with Linux General Technical Q & A rhughes Feb 12th 2012, 16:49 5 7,235 on 27/2/16
by epoulin_KK6UIC
Open 20 Meter Folded Dipole Antenna General Technical Q & A KF5BBB Feb 13th 2012, 14:04 3 8,754 on 2/3/12
by W1VT
Open Time for any of the LoTW available Awards Evaluation DXCC we0dx Feb 15th 2012, 11:54 1 7,894 on 15/2/12
by we0dx
Open Learning the Basics of Satellite Operations Satellite Operations in the Classroom N5DUX Feb 15th 2012, 17:30 2 12,944 on 15/2/12
by N5DUX
Open Links for Classroom Teachers Bulletin Board N5DUX Feb 15th 2012, 17:44 2 12,662 on 15/3/12
by N5VEI
Open Assisted Category Questions HF Contesting Macromancer Feb 15th 2012, 18:48 2 9,188 on 6/11/12
Open Single Operator Unlimited HF Contesting W1EZ Feb 16th 2012, 06:31 1 7,913 on 16/2/12
by W1EZ
Open Would you participate in club events if Welcome to the ARRL Forums 0001582470H80 Feb 16th 2012, 22:31 3 8,136 on 20/2/12
by 0001582470H80
Open Operating Maritime Mobile and in a Reciprocal Country HF Contesting W7PEA Feb 17th 2012, 00:27 2 8,237 on 25/2/12
Open Maritime mobile in XE Land DXCC W7PEA Feb 18th 2012, 00:01 2 8,261 on 16/3/12
by KW9A
Open ARRL paper records to LOTW DXCC 0007102160H80 Feb 20th 2012, 02:47 4 10,044 on 28/4/15
by K8BZ
Open Why does this happen? HF Contesting 0001582470H80 Feb 20th 2012, 19:02 9 9,550 on 29/9/13
by AH6OY
Open Explorer 9 and access to ARRL website General Technical Q & A KE5ZDZ Feb 21st 2012, 21:42 2 5,598 on 21/2/12
by aa6e
Open What's happening with LoTW Welcome to the ARRL Forums KM4DR Feb 22nd 2012, 00:48 1 6,509 on 22/2/12
by KM4DR
Open 30 meters QRN; 20, 40 quiet? Propagation K2ADK Feb 22nd 2012, 05:36 3 13,806 on 23/5/12
by W1MG
Open Sorry if wrong forum, looking for help in restoring rx of Yaesu FT-77 General Technical Q & A KE4OFW Feb 24th 2012, 16:34 6 7,442 on 2/3/12
by W1VT
Open FM Satellite Audio Recordings Satellite Operations in the Classroom N5DUX Feb 24th 2012, 23:43 1 21,058 on 24/2/12
by N5DUX
Open LOTW TIME FIELD DXCC NX9Z Feb 25th 2012, 14:13 2 8,275 on 13/3/12
by N9KY
Open RFI Potential from new LED Street Lights RFI - Discussion and Q&A WA1JFD Feb 28th 2012, 01:14 2 10,683 on 29/2/12
by W1VT
Open 6m SSB w/300 ohm feedline and a TV balun General Technical Q & A 0001582470H80 Mar 2nd 2012, 01:29 1 7,941 on 2/3/12
by 0001582470H80

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